Identify all substances that can be classified as a molecular solid.








To identify substances that can be classified as molecular solids, we need to understand what a molecular solid is. A molecular solid is a type of solid in which the constituent particles are individual molecules held together by intermolecular forces.

To determine whether a substance is molecular or not, we need to examine its molecular structure. If the substance consists of individual molecules held together by intermolecular forces, it is classified as a molecular solid. If the substance does not have a molecular structure (such as an ionic compound or a metallic solid), it would not be considered a molecular solid.

Let's analyze the substances you have mentioned:

1. Rn: Rn refers to radon, which is an element in the noble gas group. Noble gases exist as individual atoms, not molecules, so radon cannot be classified as a molecular solid.

2. Zn(BrO3)2: Zn(BrO3)2 is an ionic compound. Ionic compounds are made up of oppositely charged ions, not individual molecules, so it is not a molecular solid.

3. TlNO3: TlNO3 also refers to an ionic compound, thallium nitrate, and is not a molecular solid.

4. La: La refers to lanthanum, which is a metallic element. Metals do not consist of individual molecules and therefore cannot be classified as molecular solids.

5. C2F4: C2F4 represents tetrafluoroethylene, which has the molecular formula C2F4. Since it consists of individual molecules held together by intermolecular forces, it can be classified as a molecular solid.

6. C2F6: C2F6 represents hexafluoroethane, which has the molecular formula C2F6. Like tetrafluoroethylene, it consists of individual molecules and can be classified as a molecular solid.

Based on the analysis, the substances C2F4 and C2F6 can be classified as molecular solids. The other substances mentioned, Rn, Zn(BrO3)2, TlNO3, and La, do not meet the criteria to be considered molecular solids.