Can you give me a website or answer this question please.

How does a contributory pension differ from a non-contributory pension plan?

Thank you

Certainly! To find the answer to your question, I will explain how you can search for it yourself.

You can start by using a search engine like Google. Go to and type in your question, "How does a contributory pension differ from a non-contributory pension plan?"

As for a specific website that could provide you with a comprehensive answer, you can try websites like Investopedia, Kiplinger, or your country's government pension authority website. These websites often provide detailed explanations about different types of pensions.

Once you find a suitable website, look for an article or section that discusses the differences between contributory and non-contributory pension plans. Read through the information provided and you will gain a better understanding of how these two types of pension plans differ.

Remember, understanding the difference between a contributory and non-contributory pension plan will help you understand the level of financial involvement required by employees and employers, the allocation of funds, and the overall structure of the pension plans.