How would you instruct someone to take one-fourth of

a pizza if you could not use the word one-fourth?

Cut the pizza in four equal parts. Take one of those parts.

If you cannot use the word "one-fourth," you can instruct someone to take one part out of four equal parts of a pizza. You can explain it as follows:

1. Begin by visually dividing the pizza into four equal sections mentally, like cutting it into four equal slices or quadrants.
2. Ask the person to take only one section out of those four equal sections.
3. Emphasize that it must be just one portion, not more or less.
4. Provide additional guidance if needed, such as pointing to the desired section or explaining any distinguishing features of the chosen portion.

By using these instructions, you can help someone understand how to take one-fourth of a pizza without using the precise term "one-fourth."