Is specialist vocabulary necessary, or just the product of history?

I wonder what energy density is in terms of Bernoulli's equation? Pressure? Would everyone undestand that pressure, as we know it, is energy per spacial volume?

Do you think this would be an appropriate answer to the question?

Specialist vocabulary is necessary under certain circumstances in order to communicate among people who understand and are expected to because of their profession.

yes, the main reason folks do use this language is the words (as above) have very specific, and well defined, meanings.

Thanks for your help!

Specialist vocabulary is not just the product of history but is also necessary in many fields and domains. It serves the purpose of efficiently communicating ideas, concepts, and information among experts in a particular field. While some specialist vocabulary may have roots in historical development, it is primarily used to describe complex concepts, theories, techniques, and phenomena that are specific to a particular discipline or profession.

To answer the question of whether specialist vocabulary is necessary or merely a product of history, one can consider the following factors:

1. Precision and Clarity: Specialist vocabulary allows professionals to communicate ideas precisely and concisely within their field. It helps avoid ambiguity and ensures that precise meanings are conveyed.

2. Efficiency: By using specialist vocabulary, experts in a field can convey complex ideas or information more efficiently. This shared language allows for faster and more effective communication among professionals.

3. Specificity and Nuance: Specialist vocabulary often includes terms and phrases that are specific to a particular domain. These terms help capture nuances and intricacies that may not be easily expressible in common language. This level of specificity aids in developing deeper understanding within a field.

4. Advancement of Knowledge: Specialist vocabulary evolves as new discoveries, technologies, and ideas emerge within a domain. It is essential for staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and research within a particular field.

However, it's important to note that excessive use of specialist vocabulary can create barriers for individuals who are not familiar with a specific field. Striking a balance between using domain-specific language and ensuring effective communication with a broader audience is crucial.

In summary, specialist vocabulary is not just a product of history but serves a necessary purpose in facilitating effective communication and knowledge exchange within various fields and disciplines. Its use helps promote precision, efficiency, and the development of nuanced understanding within a specific domain.