what would be the weight of the following items in the chemistry lab round to nearest tenth 3.4 kg of lead = _ newtons

390 g of copper = _ newtons
6820 cm3 of water = _ newtons


To find the weight of an object, you need to use the formula:

Weight = Mass * gravitational acceleration

The gravitational acceleration on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 or 9.8 N/kg.

First, let's convert the given values into kilograms so we can use the formula.

1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)
1 cubic centimeter (cm^3) of water = 1 gram (g)

1. 3.4 kg of lead:
The mass is already given in kilograms, so we can directly use the formula.

Weight = 3.4 kg * 9.8 N/kg

Calculating this, we find that the weight of 3.4 kg of lead is approximately 33.32 N (rounded to the nearest tenth).

2. 390 g of copper:
We need to convert the grams to kilograms before using the formula.

Mass in kilograms = 390 g / 1000

Weight = (390 g / 1000 kg/g) * 9.8 N/kg

Calculating this, we find that the weight of 390 g of copper is approximately 3.82 N (rounded to the nearest tenth).

3. 6820 cm^3 of water:
We need to convert the cubic centimeters to kilograms before using the formula.

Mass in kilograms = 6820 cm^3 * 1 g/cm^3 / 1000

Weight = (6820 cm^3 * 1 g/cm^3 / 1000 kg/g) * 9.8 N/kg

Calculating this, we find that the weight of 6820 cm^3 of water is approximately 67.03 N (rounded to the nearest tenth).

Therefore, the weights of the given items round to the nearest tenth are as follows:
1. 3.4 kg of lead = 33.32 N
2. 390 g of copper = 3.82 N
3. 6820 cm^3 of water = 67.03 N