6 eggs in 7 days

Did the hen take a day off?

12 eggs in 14 days
18 eggs in 21 days

I doubt if you want the average of 6/7 of an egg per day.


how didi u do it

6 eggs in 7 days I don't understand this

To solve this question, we need to determine the number of eggs laid per day. We can do this by dividing the total number of eggs (6) by the number of days (7).

To find the number of eggs per day, we divide 6 by 7:

6 eggs / 7 days = 0.857 eggs per day

Therefore, on average, the hen lays approximately 0.857 eggs per day.

12 eggs in 14 days = 1.16667 convert it to 17 because you have to round...and 1.16 is rounded to 17...6 is higher than 5 so you can bring it up. So your answer is 17.

18 eggs in 21 days = 1.16667 is the same to answer number 1. Convert it to 17 and that is your answer!