Name the property used in the equation 15n=15

multiplicative identity or multiplicative inverse?

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "multiplicative identity or multiplicative inverse". Here is information from one source:

MEAP Preparation - Grade 7 Mathematics
1.34 Multiplicative Identity and Multiplicative Inverse

If a/b is a rational number then
a/b x 0 = 0 x a/b = 0.
Example: 7/3 x 0 = (7x0)/3 = 0/3 = 0
Multiplicative Identity:
If a/b is a rational number then
1 x a/b = a/b x 1 = a/b
Example: 3/5 x 1 = 1 x 3/5 = 3/5
Therefore, one is the identity element for multiplication in rational number.
Multiplicative Inverse:
For every rational a/b (a, b are not equal to zero), there will be a rational number b/a is such that
a/b x b/a = 1
If the product of two numbers is one, we say that each number is the multiplicative inverse of the other.
Example: 2/3 x 3/2 = (2x3)/(3x2) = 6/6 = 1

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I hope this helps.

To determine the property used in the equation 15n = 15, we need to understand the concepts of multiplicative identity and multiplicative inverse.

1. Multiplicative Identity Property:
The multiplicative identity property states that when any number is multiplied by 1, the product is equal to the original number. In other words, multiplying a number by 1 does not alter its value. The number 1 is the multiplicative identity element for multiplication.

2. Multiplicative Inverse Property:
The multiplicative inverse property states that for any non-zero number, there exists another number that, when multiplied together, will result in the multiplicative identity (which is 1). This property is also referred to as the reciprocal property, as the desired number is often referred to as the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of the given number.

Now, let's analyze the equation 15n = 15:

We have 15n on the left side of the equation and 15 on the right side. To solve for n, we want to isolate n on one side of the equation.

To do this, we can divide both sides of the equation by 15:

(15n)/15 = 15/15

Simplifying further:

n = 1

In this equation, we see that the number "1" is the result when we divide both sides by 15. Therefore, the property used in this equation is the multiplicative identity property.

Multiplicative Identity Property: When any number is multiplied by 1, the product is equal to the original number.