Write a four paragraph literary essay in response to the following question. Be sure to include a thesis statement in your introduction, provide textual evidence in the body paragraphs, and end the essay with a strong conclusion. You may use your books and other notes you have during the course for reference.

This semester you read several memoirs, including pieces by Ernesto Galarza and Russell Baker. Return to “Barrio Boy” and “No Gumption” now. How are these two memoirs similar? How are they different? In what ways are the authors’ choices and depictions related to the subject matter of their stories?

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine. http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.


Trying to cheat on your English Part Two Finals are you?
That's definitely called "Cheating"

-HA student

K12-er, huh? Sorry, but that would be called cheating, and surprisingly, cheating is against the rules. Shocker, isn't it?

Good luck in life, person.

Why don't you do the work yourself. It helps by reading the memoirs.

Really? Are you serious? Im giving you Zeros on all your finals

You are sooooo busted

Obviously that's not a real k12 teachers bc how are they supposed to give the person who posted the question zeros on their exams if it only says it was posted by, "Someone!"

Think guys.

you are obviously looking for the answers too you are just mad people wont cheat 4 u cause guess what I've just finished that essay and got all 100 points too good luck Mr or Ms YourAllStupid cause the way i see it you r the only stupid 1 here besides the other cheaters who i bet has Mrs bolone as their teacher...

Seriously? Y'all are all immature arguing over the internet, to the people saying cheating is wrong: how the hell did you find this site in the first place? (this PAGE in particular!) to the people admitting to cheating, just ignore them! Uhm hell-oo??

wow and i just took that it was sooo easy why do you really need to cheat?