Convert the following from degrees to radians leave your answer in terms of pi

150 degrees and 180 degrees

360 degrees is 2 pi radians

Therefore 180 degrees is pi radians

150 degrees is 5/6 of that.

Multiply degrees by pi/180 to get radians.

so 150 degrees is 5 pi/6

and 180 degrees = pi


is 270 degreees equal to 3 pi/2

Yes again

To convert degrees to radians, you need to use the conversion factor of π/180. Here's how you can convert 150 degrees and 180 degrees to radians:

1. To convert 150 degrees to radians:
Multiply 150 degrees by π/180.
150 * (π/180) = 5π/6 radians.
Therefore, 150 degrees is equal to 5π/6 radians.

2. To convert 180 degrees to radians:
Multiply 180 degrees by π/180.
180 * (π/180) = π radians.
Therefore, 180 degrees is equal to π radians.

So, the conversion of 150 degrees to radians is 5π/6, and the conversion of 180 degrees to radians is π.