Assignment: Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and Illustrations ... com 220. How does the author of A Nation Apart organize information to build his

Incomplete question.

To analyze how the author of A Nation Apart organizes information to build his argument, you would need to read the text and identify the author's use of statistics, graphs, and illustrations. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct such analysis:

1. Read the text: Start by reading the entire passage or article, A Nation Apart, with a focus on understanding the main argument and the supporting evidence presented by the author. Pay attention to any statistics, graphs, or illustrations that the author includes.

2. Identify statistics: Look for numerical data or facts presented in the text. These could include percentages, averages, or other statistical measures that the author uses to support their argument. Note down any relevant statistics and the context in which they are used.

3. Examine graphs: Determine if the author includes any graphs or charts to visually represent data related to their argument. Graphs can help illustrate trends, comparisons, or correlations. Analyze the content and design of any graphs or charts provided, looking for patterns, key information, and how they relate to the author's argument.

4. Consider illustrations: Assess the author's use of illustrations, such as photographs, maps, or diagrams. These visual aids can provide additional context or support for the argument being presented in the text. Analyze the relevance and effectiveness of any illustrations included in the text.

5. Evaluate the organization: Once you have identified the statistics, graphs, and illustrations, assess how the author incorporates them into the overall organization of the argument. Look for patterns in the order in which information is presented. Consider whether the author introduces statistics and visuals at strategic points to enhance their argument or appeal to the reader's understanding.

6. Analyze the impact: Finally, reflect on the effectiveness of the author's use of statistics, graphs, and illustrations. Consider how these elements contribute to the author's overall argument and whether they are persuasive and impactful in supporting their claims. Look for any strengths or weaknesses in the organization and integration of these elements.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze how the author organizes information in A Nation Apart and understand how statistics, graphs, and illustrations contribute to building the author's argument.