Identify the 3 skills acquired in community-based activities. Describe the specific activities that you were involved in that allowed you to develop each of these skills.

What does it mean by skills acquired in community-based activities.

Please help clarify. Thanks.

These are skills you've gained by such things as church activities, scout programs, neighborhood sports teams, and volunteering in your community.

Skills acquired in community-based activities refer to the abilities or competencies that individuals develop through participation in activities or projects that benefit or contribute to their local community. These skills can be general or specific, and can range from personal development skills to professional skills that can be utilized in various aspects of life.

To identify the specific skills acquired in community-based activities, it would be helpful to think about the different types of activities or projects you have been involved in and reflect on the skills you gained from each.

For example, if you were involved in a community clean-up initiative, some skills you may have acquired could be:

1. Leadership Skills: You may have developed leadership skills by taking charge of organizing groups of volunteers, delegating tasks, and ensuring the smooth operation of the clean-up activity. Reflect on how your involvement in the project allowed you to practice and enhance your leadership abilities.

2. Teamwork and Collaboration Skills: Collaborating with other volunteers, working together towards a common goal, and coordinating efforts requires effective teamwork. Reflect on how your community activity allowed you to develop your ability to work well in a team, communicate effectively, and foster cooperation.

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Community-based activities often involve encountering challenges or obstacles that need to be overcome. Reflect on the specific problems you encountered during your community activity and how you contributed to finding solutions. This could include identifying resources or strategies to address barriers, adapting to unexpected circumstances, or thinking creatively to achieve the desired outcome.

By reflecting on your personal experiences within community-based activities, you can identify the specific skills you developed and describe the activities that provided opportunities for cultivating these skills.