Can some help me find a site that lists the types of heroes in literature? Specifically Tragic and Anti heroes. No Wiki or anything like that please, I need to be able to cite it for my essay. Thank you!

There are many websites linked here.

in the story animal farm who was strong nand solid

Of course! I can help you with that. One way to find a site that lists the types of heroes in literature, specifically tragic and anti-heroes, is by using a search engine and being specific in your search terms.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find a suitable website:

1. Open your preferred search engine (such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo).
2. In the search bar, type in a specific phrase or question related to your topic. For example, you could try searching "list of tragic and anti-heroes in literature."
3. Enclose the search terms in quotation marks ("") to ensure that the search engine looks for that exact phrase.
4. To exclude certain websites like Wikipedia, include "" in your search. This will remove results from the Wikipedia domain.
(Example: "list of tragic and anti-heroes in literature"
5. Browse through the search results to find websites that provide relevant information.
6. Once you find a suitable site, make sure it is reliable and authoritative by looking for information about the authors, their qualifications, and the website's reputation.
7. Once you have found the desired webpage, bookmark or save the link to cite it in your essay.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a suitable website that lists the types of heroes in literature, including tragic and anti-heroes. Remember to evaluate the credibility of the source before citing it for your essay.