TOPIC: Write an essay in which ou analyze the changes in the literary selections you have read thus far, beginning with the Anglo-Saxon period and going through the seventeenth century. What differences do you notice in the topics, themes, and writing styles? What similarities are evident? Use selections from each unit and cite specific examples to support your opinions.

Heroic epics such as Beowulf
common theme: heroic deeds

Medieval Period:
predominately religious themesg
The Canterbury Tales
famous quest: search for the holy grail
Common theme: contempt for the world

English Renaissance:
predominately worldly themes
printing press revolutionized reading and thinking
Shakespearean sonnets
themes: unrequitted love, idealistic and romantic depiction of life
Drama: Macbeth

Early 17th century:
Metaphysical poets
Cavalier poets

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To analyze the changes in the literary selections from the Anglo-Saxon period through the seventeenth century, we can examine the differences and similarities in topics, themes, and writing styles.

During the Anglo-Saxon period, heroic epics like Beowulf were prominent. The common theme was centered around heroic deeds and the qualities of a hero. For instance, in Beowulf, the titular character's courageous actions and bravery in battling monsters showcase the heroic theme.

Moving on to the Medieval Period, religious themes became predominant. Works like The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer depicted pilgrimages and moral lessons. One famous quest in this period was the search for the holy grail, which symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Additionally, there was a common theme of contempt for the world, where writers showcased the idea of detachment from worldly desires and attachment towards spiritual values.

In the English Renaissance, literature saw a shift towards more worldly themes and a focus on humanism. The invention of the printing press revolutionized reading and thinking, allowing for a wider dissemination of knowledge. Shakespearean sonnets became popular with themes such as unrequited love, idealistic and romantic depictions of life, and exploration of human emotions. In drama, works like Macbeth explored themes of ambition, power, and the consequences of one's actions.

In the early 17th century, we see the emergence of different literary groups, including the puritans, metaphysical poets, and cavalier poets. The puritans focused on religious and moral principles, promoting a plain and direct writing style. Metaphysical poets, like John Donne, used complex metaphors and intellectual exploration in their poetry. On the other hand, the cavalier poets, such as Robert Herrick, represented a more lighthearted and romantic style, often celebrating earthly pleasures in their poetry.

Although there are noticeable differences in topics, themes, and writing styles throughout these periods, there are also some similarities. Religious themes were present in both the Medieval and early 17th century periods, although with different emphasis. Additionally, the exploration of human emotions and the portrayal of heroism were recurring themes across multiple periods. Furthermore, the use of different literary forms, such as epics, sonnets, and plays, show the continuous evolution of writing styles and the experimentation with different genres.

To support your analysis, you can cite specific examples from each unit. For instance, in the Anglo-Saxon period, you could analyze specific heroic moments from Beowulf. In the Medieval Period, you could analyze the religious motifs and moral lessons from The Canterbury Tales. In the English Renaissance, you could discuss the exploration of love and idealism in Shakespeare's sonnets. Finally, in the early 17th century, you could explore the religious principles of the puritans, the intellectual metaphors of the metaphysical poets, or the celebration of earthly pleasures in the works of cavalier poets.

Remember to provide evidence from the literary selections and explain how they demonstrate the differences and similarities in topics, themes, and writing styles across the different time periods.