in the story the lottery by shirley jackson what is tess symbolic?

These three articles will give you an idea of the purpose of Tess.,jackson

In the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, Tessie Hutchinson, the main character, is often seen as a symbolic figure. Her character represents several themes and ideas within the story.

To understand Tessie's symbolism, it is important to examine her role and actions throughout the narrative. Tessie begins as a seemingly ordinary, average citizen of the village, just like everyone else. However, as the lottery progresses and her family's name is drawn, Tessie's true nature is revealed.

1. Tessie symbolizes the blind obedience to tradition: As the lottery commences, Tessie's initial participation seems innocent and unquestioning. However, when her family's name is chosen and she becomes the target of the violence of the lottery, she suddenly questions the fairness and morality of the tradition. This reflects the theme of blindly following customs or traditions without considering their true consequences.

2. Tessie represents the victim of persecution: As Tessie becomes the victim of the lottery, she embodies the concept of the scapegoat. Her fellow villagers turn against her, revealing the dark aspects of human nature. This symbolizes how innocent individuals can be subjected to persecution and harm, highlighting the dangers of mob mentality and collective violence.

3. Tessie portrays resistance and rebellion: Despite initially conforming, Tessie ultimately challenges the system as she protests against the unfairness of the lottery when her family is selected. This resistance signifies a break from societal expectations and the willingness to challenge oppressive practices.

Overall, Tessie Hutchinson in "The Lottery" serves as a symbol for blind obedience, the victim of persecution, and the potential for resistance. By analyzing her character and the events surrounding her, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the story's themes and messages.