Classify the statement(p v r)→(~q ° p)

To classify the statement (p v r) → (~q ° p), we need to determine its type of logical statement.

Let's break it down into its constituent parts:

1. (p v r): This is a disjunction (OR) between two propositions, p and r.
- p and r are variables that represent statements or conditions.

2. (~q ° p): This is a conjunction (AND) between two propositions, ~q and p.
- ~q is the negation of the proposition q, indicating "not q."
- p is another variable that represents a statement or condition.

Overall, the statement can be written as (p v r) → (~q ^ p), where "→" represents implication or logical implication.

Now, let's classify the statement:

The form "(p v r) → (~q ^ p)" is in the form of a material implication. In a material implication, we have a conditional statement where the antecedent (p v r) is followed by the consequent (~q ^ p). This means that the statement is conditional, with the antecedent being the sufficient condition and the consequent being the necessary condition.

In simpler terms, the conditional statement (p v r) → (~q ^ p) states that if p or r is true, then it must be true that ~q is true and p is true as well.

To summarize, the statement (p v r) → (~q ^ p) is a conditional statement expressed in material implication form.