I need to find out the WACC for Radio Shack Corporation

To calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for Radio Shack Corporation, you will need to gather some information and perform a series of calculations. Here are the steps involved:

1. Collect the necessary information:
- Radio Shack Corporation's market value of equity (E): This can be obtained from financial statements or stock market data.
- Radio Shack Corporation's market value of debt (D): Obtain this from financial statements or through credit rating agencies.
- Cost of equity (Ke): This represents the return expected by the shareholders and can be estimated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) or other methods.
- Cost of debt (Kd): This represents the interest rate paid on the company's borrowings and can be obtained by analyzing the interest expenses or the yields on the company's debt.
- Tax rate (T): This is the effective corporate tax rate paid by Radio Shack Corporation.

2. Calculate the weight of equity (We):
- Divide the market value of equity (E) by the total market value of the firm (E + D). The formula is: We = E / (E + D).

3. Calculate the weight of debt (Wd):
- Divide the market value of debt (D) by the total market value of the firm (E + D). The formula is: Wd = D / (E + D).

4. Calculate the cost of equity (Ke):
- Use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) or any other suitable method to estimate the cost of equity. CAPM is calculated as: Ke = Rf + β * (Rm - Rf).
- Rf is the risk-free rate (e.g., the yield on government bonds).
- β is the beta coefficient, which measures the sensitivity of a company's stock price to overall market movements.
- Rm is the expected return of the market.

5. Calculate the after-tax cost of debt (Kd * (1 - T)):
- Multiply the cost of debt (Kd) by one minus the tax rate (T). This accounts for the tax advantages of debt financing.

6. Calculate the WACC:
- Multiply the weight of equity (We) by the cost of equity (Ke).
- Multiply the weight of debt (Wd) by the after-tax cost of debt (Kd * (1 - T)).
- Sum the two results together to get the WACC.

It is important to note that the values used in these calculations should be based on up-to-date and accurate financial information. Additionally, WACC is an estimate and can fluctuate over time due to factors such as changing interest rates, tax rates, or the company's financial structure.