In which section of the annual report would you find a list of the company's major products?

a) Information about the business
b) Notes to the finanical statements
c) Management discussion and analysis
d) Independent Auditors report

To find a list of the company's major products in an annual report, you would typically look in the "Information about the business" section. This section provides an overview of the company's operations, including its products, services, and market segments. It often contains information about the company's key products, their market share, and their performance in the reporting period.

It's worth noting that the annual report might vary in structure and format depending on the company and industry. So, if you cannot find the information in the "Information about the business" section, you might want to check other relevant sections such as the "Management discussion and analysis" or even the "Notes to the financial statements." The "Management discussion and analysis" section often provides a more detailed discussion of the company's strategy, including its products and markets. The "Notes to the financial statements" section might include additional information about the company's products and any related disclosures.

However, as a general rule of thumb, the "Information about the business" section is typically the first place to look for a list of the company's major products in an annual report.