Can someone show me how to set up this dihybrid cross?

The genotypes of the two parents are

RRLL' x RWL'L'. The " ' " meaning "prime."

Sure! I can explain how to set up a dihybrid cross.

To begin, let's first understand the genotypes of the two parents.

Parent 1: RRLL'
Parent 2: RWL'L'

In a dihybrid cross, we are examining two different traits (in this case, R/r and L/l). Each trait has two alleles, denoted by uppercase and lowercase letters (e.g., R and r).

To set up a dihybrid cross, you need to determine the possible gametes (i.e., egg and sperm cells) for each parent. Each parent contributes one allele for each trait to the offspring.

Parent 1: RRLL'
In this case, the gametes will be determined by separating the two alleles. So, the possible gametes for parent 1 are RL' and RL'.

Parent 2: RWL'L'
Similarly, we separate the alleles to determine the possible gametes. The possible gametes for parent 2 are RWL' and RWL'.

Now, we will cross the gametes of the two parents to determine the potential genotypes of the offspring.

To do this, we create a Punnett square, which is a grid used to organize the possible combinations of alleles from each parent. In a dihybrid cross, the Punnett square will be a 4x4 grid since there are four different combinations of alleles.

On one axis of the Punnett square, we write the possible gametes of parent 1: RL' and RL'. On the other axis, we write the possible gametes of parent 2: RWL' and RWL'.

Now, we need to fill in the cells of the Punnett square. To determine the genotype of each offspring, you simply pair each of the possible gametes from parent 1 with each of the possible gametes from parent 2.

Here is the Punnett square:

| R | R | L | L'
R | RR | RR | RL | RL'
W | RWL | RWL | RWL | RWL'
L | RL | RL | LL | LL'
' | RL' | RL' | LL' | LL'

By examining the Punnett square, we can determine the possible genotypes of the offspring. Each cell in the Punnett square represents a possible combination of alleles.

For example, in the top-left cell, we see RRRWL. This means that the offspring will have the genotype RRLW.

By going through each cell of the Punnett square, you can determine all the possible genotypes for the offspring of this dihybrid cross.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to set up a dihybrid cross!