Sometimes streams and rivers run in fairly straight lines. Sometimes, they meander or curve and wander. What is your idea about how faster water affects the shape of a stream or river?

A) Faster streams are straighter.
B) Faster streams curve more.
C) The speed of the stream doesn't affect its shape.

Please Help!!!! Thanks.

Meanders are associate with low energy systems, where the water is moving very slowly.

Higher energy (fast flowing) rivers tend to straighten out bends and do not meander.


The shape of a stream or river can be influenced by several factors, including the speed of the water flow. In order to determine how faster water affects the shape of a stream or river, we need to consider the principle of erosion.

Faster water flow tends to have a greater erosive power and can lead to more erosion. When a stream or river flows quickly, it can dislodge and carry sediment, rocks, and other materials more effectively. This erosion can cause the stream to deepen and widen, leading to more meandering or curving.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question would be B) Faster streams curve more.

To better understand this concept, you can observe the behavior of water in different situations. For example, you can pour water from a faucet at a slow rate onto a flat surface and observe how it flows, then increase the water flow rate and observe any changes in the pattern. You can also research and study examples of meandering rivers or streams to see how their shapes have been affected by the speed of the water flow.

Remember, in scientific inquiries, conducting experiments, making observations, and researching examples are vital steps to gaining a deeper understanding of natural phenomena.