Explain why some young women would agree to come to the colony of New France as filles du roi.

Some young women would agree to come to the colony of New France as filles du roi to lead better lives, gain some fortunes, and have better homes. Also to start new realtionships with new families. They could socialise more freely with people around them, and be happy.

I added more info. Is this good?

The group of words starting with "Also" is not a complete sentence.

Check these out if you need to add more details -- and I think you should. What you've written is pretty sketchy.

Some young women would agree to come to the colony of New France as filles du roi to lead better lives, gain some fortunes, and have better homes. They would probably also gain some rights there, the right to start new relationships. King Louis would pay off for them. They wouldn't have to spend a penny on anything. They would also receive some gifts from the king. They could socialise more freely with people around them, and be happy.

"King Louis would pay off for them." = ???

How would their ability to "socialise more freely" actually work? With whom could they socialize before coming to the colony? After?

Yes, that's a great addition to the explanation. Here's a revised explanation:

Some young women would agree to come to the colony of New France as filles du roi, which translates to "daughters of the king," for a variety of reasons. One key motivation was the opportunity for a better life. In France, many young women faced challenging circumstances such as poverty, limited educational opportunities, or social restrictions. Coming to New France offered them a chance to escape these hardships and start anew.

Another incentive for these women was the possibility of gaining some fortunes. The French government provided these young women with a dowry, which included money, clothing, and other essential items. This dowry not only helped them financially upon arrival but also increased their chances of attracting potential suitors and establishing themselves in the colony.

Moreover, the prospect of better homes and improved living conditions drew many young women to the colony. In New France, they could acquire land and build their own homes, which was an appealing opportunity. By participating in the filles du roi program, they could be proactive in shaping their futures and create a comfortable living environment for themselves.

Additionally, the opportunity to establish new relationships was a driving factor for some young women. In France, traditional family structures and societal norms often restricted interaction between young men and women. By traveling to New France, these women could socialize more freely with the people around them, explore new friendships, and potentially find a romantic partner. This promised a chance for happiness and fulfillment in their personal lives.

In summary, the decision for some young women to come to the colony of New France as filles du roi was driven by the desire for a better life, the prospects of acquiring fortunes and improved homes, and the opportunity to forge new relationships and socialize more freely.