The Florida Lottery is made up of the numbers 1-49. My mother has observed that the winning numbers many times are prime numbers.

1.List the prime numbers from 1-49:

2.What is the probability of a prime number being picked randomly from the numbers 1-49?

3.Is the probability of picking a prime number greater than picking a number that is not prime?

1. ... easy, just list them, 2 is the first prime, 47 the last.

2. Put the number from 1) over 49

3. take 1 - (answer from 2)

I just felt like asking what are the numbers because Reiny really didn't help so LIST the numbers instead of telling how to do it

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1. To list the prime numbers from 1-49, we need to determine which numbers in that range are prime. A prime number is a number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. Here is the list of prime numbers from 1-49:

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47

2. To calculate the probability of picking a prime number randomly from the numbers 1-49, we need to divide the number of prime numbers in that range by the total number of possible numbers. In this case, there are 15 prime numbers (from the list above) and 49 total numbers. So, the probability is:

Probability of picking a prime number = (Number of prime numbers) / (Total number of numbers) = 15 / 49 ≈ 0.306

3. To compare the probability of picking a prime number to picking a number that is not prime, we need to calculate the probability of not picking a prime number. This can be done by subtracting the probability of picking a prime number from 1:

Probability of not picking a prime number = 1 - Probability of picking a prime number = 1 - 0.306 = 0.694

Since the probability of not picking a prime number is approximately 0.694, which is greater than the probability of picking a prime number (0.306), we can conclude that the probability of picking a number that is not prime is greater than the probability of picking a prime number.