For each of the following scenarios answer the questions and explain whether your answers fit with traditional or modern ethical thinking. After you have finished responding to the scenarios, discuss whether you generally make ethical decisions using a traditional or a modern ethical model. Provide an example using an experience you have had in your daily life.

Scenario One
You are a manager at your current company. You receive a call requesting a character reference for an employee you know to be unreliable and dishonest but who has not broken any rule directly.
a. What should you tell the prospective employer?
b. What type of information would you tell the prospective employer?
c. How would what you share be to your advantage or disadvantage?

Response to Questions

Scenario Two

Mike is currently enrolled in a challenging course. His personal life is also unusually complicated by his seriously ill mother who lives out of state. Mike receives an e-mail from an individual who has taken this course previously and who Mike knows did reasonably well in it. In the e-mail, the individual offers Mike, for a fee, all the course assignments, discussion question responses, and CheckPoint answers.
a. How should Mike reply to his friend?
b. What are the positive and negative consequences of accepting this offer?
c. What are the positive and negative consequences of refusing this offer?

Response to Questions

Scenario Three

You are a politician involved in a hotly contested race to retain your seat on the city commission. The political issues are important to you, but allegations have been raised that your opponent is leaving his wife for a younger woman. These allegations are unproven. Your campaign advisors have urged you to release this information to help your campaign.
a. What moral and ethical considerations come into play when making this decision?
b. What are the positive and negative consequences of using the information?
c. What are the positive and negative consequences of not using the information?

Response to Questions

Reflection Question:
Discuss whether you generally make ethical decisions using a traditional or a modern ethical model. Provide an example using an experience you have had in your daily life.

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.

Scenario One:

a. As a manager, you should be honest and transparent in your response to the prospective employer. It is important to provide an accurate character reference, even if it may not be favorable for the employee.
b. The type of information you provide should be based on objective observations and specific instances of unreliability and dishonesty. Avoid subjective opinions and stick to facts.
c. Sharing this information may be to your disadvantage if the employee finds out and holds a grudge against you. However, it is in the best interest of the prospective employer to have all relevant information before making a hiring decision.

This scenario aligns with both traditional and modern ethical thinking. Traditional ethics focuses on virtues such as honesty and integrity, which would support providing an accurate character reference. Modern ethics also emphasizes transparency and accountability, which would similarly support sharing truthful information.

Scenario Two:
a. Mike should reply to his friend by declining the offer and explaining that he wants to earn his grade through his own efforts.
b. The positive consequence of accepting the offer would be that Mike could potentially receive good grades with minimal effort. However, the negative consequence is that he would be engaging in academic dishonesty, compromising his integrity and potentially facing disciplinary action.
c. The positive consequence of refusing the offer is that Mike would maintain his integrity and work towards his grades honestly. The negative consequence is that it may require more effort and time to complete the course while also managing his personal life.

This scenario illustrates a clash between traditional and modern ethical thinking. Traditional ethics would prioritize honesty and integrity, suggesting that Mike should refuse the offer. On the other hand, modern ethics might consider the consequences and the impact on personal well-being, potentially justifying accepting the offer in some circumstances.

Scenario Three:
a. The moral and ethical considerations in this decision involve the fairness and honesty of the political race, as well as the respect for privacy and personal relationships. It is important to consider the potential harm caused by spreading unproven allegations.
b. The positive consequence of using the information might be gaining an advantage in the political race by damaging the opponent's reputation. However, the negative consequence is that it can be seen as unethical, unfair, and potentially slanderous.
c. The positive consequence of not using the information is maintaining integrity, fairness, and respect for privacy. The negative consequence is that it may put the politician at a disadvantage in the race.

This scenario also reflects the clash between traditional and modern ethical thinking. Traditional ethics would prioritize virtues such as honesty, fairness, and respect for privacy, suggesting that the information should not be used. Modern ethics might consider the consequences and potential benefits, potentially justifying the use of the information to gain an advantage.

In terms of my own ethical decision-making, I generally lean towards a modern ethical model. I weigh the potential consequences and consider fairness, integrity, honesty, and the impact on individuals and society. An example from my daily life would be when I was offered a promotion at work that would involve some unethical practices. Despite the potential benefits, I declined the promotion because I believed in maintaining my integrity and ethical standards.