What are the differences between linear and quadratic equations? How are these differences displayed in a graph? Write a brief scenario that can be modeled with a linear equation. Summarize a situation modeled by a quadratic equation. Are there equations that are neither linear nor quadratic? Explain.

What do you think? Try graphing linear and quadratic equations on a calculator if you need to see them more closely.

your maachan

Is the following sequence of numbers, linear, quadratic or neither? Explain your reasoning.

8, 5, 0, -7, -16, -27...

Linear and quadratic equations are both types of polynomial equations. The main difference between the two lies in the highest power of the variable present in the equation.

A linear equation is an equation of the form y = mx + b, where x is the variable, m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept. In a linear equation, the highest power of x is 1. The graph of a linear equation is a straight line, and it will always have a constant slope.

On the other hand, a quadratic equation is an equation of the form y = ax^2 + bx + c, where x is the variable, and a, b, and c are constants. In a quadratic equation, the highest power of x is 2. The graph of a quadratic equation is a curve known as a parabola, which can either be upward or downward depending on the value of the coefficient a.

To understand the differences in graph representation, we can look at how the two equations behave. In a linear equation, the graph will have a constant slope, representing a constant rate of change. The line may go up or down depending on the values of m and b, but it will always have a consistent direction.

In a quadratic equation, the graph will have a curved shape known as a parabola. The vertex of the parabola represents the maximum or minimum point of the graph, depending on whether the parabola opens upward or downward, respectively. The direction and the openness of the parabola can be determined by the coefficient a.

A scenario that can be modeled by a linear equation is calculating the total cost of buying a number of items. For example, let's say you are buying t-shirts for $10 each, and you want to find the total cost if you buy x number of t-shirts. The linear equation to represent this scenario would be C = 10x, where C represents the total cost. The equation states that the total cost is equal to the price per t-shirt multiplied by the number of t-shirts purchased.

A situation modeled by a quadratic equation could be finding the maximum height of a projectile launched into the air. Let's say you throw a ball upward, and you want to calculate its maximum height. The equation that represents the ball's height, y, in terms of time, t, would be y = -16t^2 + vt + h, where v represents the initial velocity of the ball and h represents the initial height from which it was thrown. As you can see, the highest power of t is 2, making this a quadratic equation.

There are equations that are neither linear nor quadratic. Other types of polynomial equations exist, such as cubic equations (highest power of x is 3), quartic equations (highest power of x is 4), and so on. Additionally, there are transcendental equations involving functions like exponentials, logarithms, and trigonometric functions. These equations cannot be classified as linear or quadratic because they involve more complex mathematical operations beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and exponentiation.