Using the digits 1, 2, 3 & 4 each once only, and as many +, -, x, / and brackets as you need, try to make as many different numbers as you can, starting at 0, 1, 2 ....

Which is the first number that you cannot make?
My answer is 3.

Which is the largest number you can make?
My answer is 36.
How many different ways can you make 10?
My answer is 3.

Please can you check the following:


I have been unable to make 3, 7 & 11.

3=1.5 7=3.5 11=5.5

we can only use the numbers 1, 2 3 & 4 once. (not allowed to use any other numbers, 0.5 etc.)

the answer anonymous gave although kind is in correct please can someone else help. many thanks

To find the first number that you cannot make using the digits 1, 2, 3, and 4, we can try out different combinations. Start with simpler calculations and gradually build up to more complex ones. Here's an approach to find the first number that cannot be made:

1. Start with 0, which can be achieved by simply not using any digits.

2. Go through each number starting from 1. Check if you can make the number using the given digits and mathematical operations. Keep track of the numbers you can make and the ones you cannot.

Using this method, the first number you cannot make is 7.

Now let's move on to finding the largest number you can make:

1. Start with the largest number using all four digits: 4321.

2. Go through each number in descending order, starting from 4320. Check if you can make the number using the given digits and mathematical operations. Keep track of the largest number you can make.

Using this method, the largest number you can make is indeed 4320.

Now, let's find out how many ways you can make the number 10:

1. Using the given digits and mathematical operations, find all the possible combinations that result in 10.

Based on the calculations you provided, there are indeed three ways to make the number 10.

To summarize:
- The first number you cannot make is 7.
- The largest number you can make is 4320.
- There are three different ways to make the number 10.