Rank the following ionic compounds by lattice energy.

Highest to Lowest


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To rank the given ionic compounds by lattice energy from highest to lowest, we need to consider the factors that contribute to lattice energy.

Lattice energy is a measure of the stability of an ionic compound and represents the energy released when ions form a solid lattice from their gaseous ions. The lattice energy depends on the charges of the ions and their sizes.

1. Charge of ions: The higher the charge of the ions, the greater the lattice energy.

2. Size of ions: Smaller ions can get closer to one another in the solid lattice, resulting in a stronger electrostatic attraction and higher lattice energy.

Now, let's analyze each compound and determine their lattice energy rankings:

1. MgO:
MgO consists of a magnesium ion (Mg^2+) and an oxygen ion (O^2-). Both ions have a 2- charge, but the atomic size of oxygen (smaller) is smaller than that of magnesium (larger). Since both ions have the same charge, the lattice energy depends on the size. Smaller ions lead to a higher lattice energy. Therefore, MgO will have the highest lattice energy among the given compounds.

2. LiCl:
LiCl consists of a lithium ion (Li^+) and a chloride ion (Cl^-). Both ions have a 1- charge, but the atomic size of lithium is smaller than that of chlorine. Since both ions have the same charge, the lattice energy depends on the size. Smaller ions lead to a higher lattice energy. Thus, LiCl will have the second-highest lattice energy.

3. Na2O:
Na2O consists of sodium ions (Na^+) and oxygen ions (O^2-). Sodium and oxygen ions have the same charges as in the previous compounds, but the size of the sodium ion is larger than that of the oxygen ion. Hence, Na2O will have a lower lattice energy compared to MgO and LiCl.

4. Na2S:
Na2S consists of sodium ions (Na^+) and sulfide ions (S^2-). Both ions have the same charges as in the previous compounds, but the size of sulfide is larger than that of oxygen. As a result, Na2S will have the lowest lattice energy among the given compounds.

Therefore, the ranking of the compounds from highest to lowest lattice energy is:
1. MgO
2. LiCl
3. Na2O
4. Na2S