What are some things that have changed after the 9-11 incident?

concern about safety

air travel


Just to name three!

... not to mention this war we have on two fronts.


Views about other nations and foreign policy as well.

A new building will be finished by year 2012 in place of the World Trade Center.

Not to mention several new bureaucratic agencies (Homeland Security for one)

After the 9/11 incident, there have been several changes in various aspects of society. Some notable changes include:

1. Increased security measures: In response to the terrorist attacks, security measures were significantly heightened in many areas. Airports and public buildings implemented stricter security screenings, leading to longer wait times and more thorough searches. Additionally, surveillance systems and intelligence sharing between governmental agencies were strengthened.

2. Creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): In 2002, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was established as a direct response to the 9/11 attacks. The DHS aims to prevent and respond to acts of terrorism while also ensuring public safety and managing various other national security threats.

3. Changes in travel protocols: Air travel has undergone significant changes since 9/11. The creation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) introduced passenger and baggage screening protocols that are familiar to travelers today. Measures such as limiting liquids in carry-on bags, removing shoes at security checkpoints, and stricter identification requirements were implemented to enhance airline security.

4. Global counterterrorism efforts: The 9/11 attacks had a global impact, leading to increased international collaboration to combat terrorism. Many countries implemented their own counterterrorism measures and established closer partnerships with the United States to share intelligence and fight against terrorist organizations.

5. Cultural and social impacts: The attacks had a profound societal impact, leading to increased discrimination, particularly towards Muslim individuals or those perceived to be Muslim. Hate crimes, xenophobia, and Islamophobia have become more prevalent, requiring efforts to promote tolerance, inclusivity, and cultural understanding.

To gather more details and insights about the specific changes that have occurred after the 9/11 incident, it is recommended to consult academic papers, news articles, government reports, and books that analyze the post-9/11 era and its ramifications.