i need help on this problem.

132,164,569 round to the nearest million?

179,323,175 round to the nearest million? thanks!

132,164,569 = 132 million

The 2 is in the millionths place. Since the number after it is less than 5, we round down.

Try the other one on your own. We'll be glad to check it for you.



132,164,569 to the nearest millon

To round a number to the nearest million, you need to look at the digits after the millions place. If the digit after the millions place is 5 or greater, you round up. If it is less than 5, you round down.

Let's break down each number and round them.

For 132,164,569:
The digit after the millions place is 5, so we round up to the nearest million. To round up, we add 1 million to the number, giving us 133,000,000.

For 179,323,175:
The digit after the millions place is 3, so we round down to the nearest million. This means the number remains unchanged and stays as 179,000,000.

So, rounded to the nearest million:
132,164,569 is 133,000,000
179,323,175 is 179,000,000.