Which areas in Africa are controlled by other imperial powers.

I've been searching everywhere and still can't find the answer. Thanks

No imperial powers control any areas of Africa now.

It's talking about the years 1880-1914 sorry for the confusion

Check this map.


So, i have to right every country down?

To determine which areas in Africa were historically controlled by imperial powers, it's important to understand the colonial period in Africa's history. This period lasted roughly from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century and involved the partitioning of Africa by European powers. Here's how you can find the answer to your question:

1. Research the Scramble for Africa: The Scramble for Africa refers to the rapid colonization and division of Africa by European powers during the late 19th century. This period saw a competition between colonial powers, aiming to establish control over various regions. Start by learning about this historical context to get a broader understanding of the areas that were affected.

2. Study the Berlin Conference: The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 was a significant event during the Scramble for Africa. This conference aimed to regulate European competition and establish guidelines for the colonization of Africa. Examining the outcomes of this conference can help identify the specific areas that were controlled by imperial powers.

3. Explore colonial maps and historical records: Look for maps from the colonial era which delineate the territories controlled by different European powers. You can find these maps in historical archives, libraries, or online resources specialized in colonial history. These maps will give you a detailed overview of which areas were under imperial control.

4. Research individual imperial powers: Once you have a general understanding of the Scramble for Africa and the Berlin Conference, focus on specific European colonial powers that established control over certain regions. Common colonial powers in Africa included Britain, France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Research the actions and policies of these powers to identify the areas they controlled.

It's important to note that Africa is a vast continent with diverse histories of colonization, and the exact areas controlled by each power varied. Therefore, using these steps, you should be able to find information on which areas in Africa were controlled by imperial powers during the colonial period.