a pyrite rock has density of 5.02 g/cm

What will happen when the rock is placed in a beaker of mercury which has a denisty of 13.6 g/cm3?

will it float or sink or neither but remain suspended?

lesser density floats.

lesser than whats listed? So It would sink?

Please help with above question

To determine whether the pyrite rock will float, sink, or remain suspended when placed in a beaker of mercury, we need to compare the densities of the rock and mercury.

The density of the pyrite rock is given as 5.02 g/cm³.

The density of the mercury is given as 13.6 g/cm³.

If the density of an object is less than the density of the fluid it is placed in, it will float. If the density of an object is greater than the density of the fluid, it will sink. If the densities are equal, the object will remain suspended.

Comparing the densities, we can see that the density of the pyrite rock (5.02 g/cm³) is less than the density of mercury (13.6 g/cm³). Therefore, the pyrite rock will float when placed in the beaker of mercury.

To summarize, the pyrite rock will float when placed in the beaker of mercury.