3 2/9 - 1/3 = p - 5 1/2

3 2/9 - 3/9 = p - 5 1/2
2 11/9 - 3/9 = p - 5 1/2
2 8/9 = p - 5 1/2
2 8/9 + 5 1/2 = p - 5 1/2 +5 1/2
2 16/18 + 5 9/18 = p
7 25/18 = p
8 7/18 = p
is mom right?


mom says thanks for confirming it since argued with her about it

To solve the equation step-by-step:

1. Start with the equation: 3 2/9 - 1/3 = p - 5 1/2

2. Simplify the left side of the equation:
Convert 3 to an improper fraction: 3 = 27/9
Combine the whole number and fraction: 27/9 + 2/9 = 29/9
Subtract 1/3: 29/9 - 1/3
To subtract fractions, find a common denominator (in this case, 9): (29/9) - (3/9) = (29 - 3) / 9 = 26/9

3. Simplify the right side of the equation:
Convert 5 to an improper fraction: 5 = 10/2
Combine the whole number and fraction: 10/2 + 1/2 = 11/2

4. Replace 'p' in the equation with the simplified expression:
26/9 = p - 11/2

5. To solve for 'p,' you want to isolate it on one side of the equation. Start by moving the fraction (-11/2) to the other side:
26/9 + 11/2 = p - 11/2 + 11/2

6. Simplify both sides of the equation:
For the left side, find a common denominator between 9 and 2 (18): (26/9) * (2/2) = 52/18
For the right side, the -11/2 and +11/2 cancel out, leaving just 'p'.

7. The equation becomes: 52/18 = p

8. Simplify 52/18 by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (in this case, 2): (52/2) / (18/2) = 26/9

9. Therefore, the value of 'p' is 26/9 or in the mixed fraction form, 2 8/9.

So, based on the calculations, your mom is correct. The value of 'p' is indeed 2 8/9.