Old McDonald has 9 pigs. How can he build 4 pens and place and odd number of pigs in each pen?

Sorry, the only way I could imagine it being done is to leave one pig out of the pens. Is your stated information correct?

1 + 1 + 1 + 6 = 9
1 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 9

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Thanks but that is exactly how the question is stated.

Build 3 pens with 3 pigs in each then a fourth pen around the 3 pens.

Job done

To solve this problem, we need to divide the 9 pigs into 4 pens and ensure that each pen has an odd number of pigs.

Here's a possible solution:

1. Start by placing one pig in each of the first 3 pens. This leaves us with 6 pigs.

Pen 1: 1 pig
Pen 2: 1 pig
Pen 3: 1 pig
Pen 4: 0 pigs

2. Now, we need to distribute the remaining 6 pigs among the 4 pens while maintaining an odd number of pigs in each pen.

To accomplish this, we can add 1 pig to Pen 4, making it odd.

Pen 1: 1 pig
Pen 2: 1 pig
Pen 3: 1 pig
Pen 4: 1 pig

3. We still have 5 pigs remaining. Distribute them evenly among Pens 1, 2, and 3 (3 pens that already have 1 pig) by adding 1 pig to each pen.

Pen 1: 2 pigs
Pen 2: 2 pigs
Pen 3: 2 pigs
Pen 4: 1 pig

Now, Old McDonald has successfully built 4 pens and placed an odd number of pigs in each pen. The distribution is as follows:

Pen 1: 2 pigs
Pen 2: 2 pigs
Pen 3: 2 pigs
Pen 4: 1 pig