**How would i make the following statement into a question using "Est-ce que"?

1. Anne ne la ferme pas.

**I also need help turning the following sentence into a question by using "Est-ce que", N'est-ce pas, and inverting the subject and verb.

1. Julie et Lisette sont soeurs.

Est-ce que Julie et Lisette sont soeurs?

Julie et Lisette sont soeurs, n'est-ce pas?

Lets look at how to form questions in French. There are 4 ways.

1. straight word order, adding non?
Juliette et Lisette sont des soeurs, non?
2. straight word order, adding n'est-ce pas at the end.
Juliette et Lisette sont des soeurs, n'est-ce pas?
3. Beginning with "Est-ce que..."
Est-ce que Juliette et Lisette sont des soeurs?
4. This is perhaps a bit more difficult, with inversion, at first, but it is most common.
Juliette et Lisette sont-elles des soeurs?

Sra (aka Mme)

To turn the statement "Anne ne la ferme pas" into a question using "Est-ce que," you would simply place "Est-ce que" at the beginning of the sentence:

Est-ce que Anne ne la ferme pas ?

To turn the sentence "Julie et Lisette sont soeurs" into a question using "Est-ce que," you would follow these steps:

1. Start with the sentence: Julie et Lisette sont soeurs.
2. Place "Est-ce que" at the beginning of the sentence: Est-ce que Julie et Lisette sont soeurs?
3. Leave the subject (Julie et Lisette) and the verb (sont) in their original order.

Now, if you want to turn the sentence into a question using "N'est-ce pas" and inverting the subject and verb, you would follow these steps:

1. Start with the sentence: Julie et Lisette sont soeurs.
2. Place "N'est-ce pas" at the end of the sentence: Julie et Lisette sont soeurs, n'est-ce pas?
3. Invert the subject (Julie et Lisette) and the verb (sont): Sont-elles Julie et Lisette soeurs, n'est-ce pas?

Remember, when using "Est-ce que" or "N'est-ce pas," you don't need to invert the subject and verb. You only need to invert them when using a question word alone, such as "Qui," "Que," or "Où."