Can anyone help me find some literary elements in the novel "A Raisin in the Sun" showing that Walter was a hero in the end. Thanks....

check sparknotes for symbolism

Of course! I can help you find literary elements in "A Raisin in the Sun" that portray Walter as a hero. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Read the novel: Start by reading or re-reading "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry. Take notes as you read, paying particular attention to moments where Walter demonstrates heroic qualities.

2. Identify heroic qualities: Look for instances where Walter displays characteristics commonly associated with heroes. These qualities might include bravery, determination, selflessness, sacrifice, or demonstrating strength in the face of adversity.

3. Analyze character development: Analyze Walter's character arc throughout the novel. Look for moments of growth or transformation where he evolves from a flawed character into a heroic figure. Pay attention to his actions, decisions, and the impact he has on other characters.

4. Consider conflicts and resolutions: Examine the conflicts Walter faces and how he resolves them. Evaluate if his actions in these moments demonstrate heroism by positively influencing the outcome or bringing about positive change.

5. Focus on literary elements: Look for specific literary devices that highlight Walter's heroism. This could include symbolism, foreshadowing, dialogue, or even the use of metaphors or similes that enhance his heroic qualities.

By following these steps, you should be able to find evidence of Walter's heroism in "A Raisin in the Sun." Remember, literature is subjective, and different readers may interpret characters differently. Make sure to include supporting evidence from the text to strengthen your argument about Walter being a hero.