what group made up the Populist movement?


The Populist movement in the late 19th century in the United States was made up of various groups, primarily representing farmers and laborers who felt marginalized by the political and economic systems of the time. To determine the specific groups involved, one can conduct research using various sources such as history books, academic articles, or reputable online resources. Here's a step-by-step approach:

1. Start with a general search on the internet to gather an overview of the Populist movement or search in history books for relevant chapters.
2. Look for primary sources from that era, such as speeches, manifestos, or newspapers, which might mention the various groups involved in the Populist movement.
3. Consult scholarly articles or books that specifically analyze the Populist movement and its participants. These studies often provide insights into the different organizations, unions, and associations that supported the movement.
4. Visit libraries or online databases that contain historical documents and archives related to the Populist movement. These sources can provide valuable information about the groups involved.
5. Cross-reference multiple sources and compare the information gathered to ensure accuracy and reliability.

By following these steps, you should be able to find information about the specific groups that made up the Populist movement.