a +p - x+y

- ---
b z

ok its a over b plus p minus x plus y over z

So you mean
a/b + p - x + y/z ?
and what is supposed to be done with this expression considering there are 6 different variables??

remember how to substract fractions? Common denominator (bxz)...divide by first denominator and multiply by numerator...now try one more time.

what is 4590035*2=

Put 4590035*2 into google and see what you get.

To simplify the expression (a/b) + p - x + (y/z), we need to find a common denominator for the fraction terms and perform the necessary operations.

Let's start by finding the common denominator for the fraction (a/b) and (y/z). The common denominator is the least common multiple of the denominators b and z. Once we have the common denominator, we can add the fractions.

To add fractions with different denominators, we need to bring them to a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is bxz.

So, to add (a/b) and (y/z), we multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction (a/b) by z, and the numerator and denominator of the second fraction (y/z) by b:

(a/b) * (z/z) = az / bz
(y/z) * (b/b) = yb / bz

Now, our expression becomes (az + yb) / bxz + p - x.

At this point, we can consider the expression simplified in terms of finding a common denominator and adding the fractions together, but if you need to further simplify or evaluate the expression, you can substitute the values of a, b, p, x, y, and z with specific numbers and perform the calculations.

For the second question, you can easily solve the multiplication problem 4590035 * 2 by entering the expression into a search engine like Google. Simply type "4590035 * 2" into the search bar, and the search engine will provide you with the result, which in this case is 9180070.