What is the difference between domain and range? Describe a real-life situation that could be modeled by a function

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The concepts of domain and range are commonly used in mathematics, specifically when dealing with functions.

The domain of a function refers to the set of all possible input values, or x-values, that can be plugged into the function. It represents the independent variable in the function and determines the valid inputs for the function.

The range of a function, on the other hand, refers to the set of all possible output values, or y-values, that the function can produce. It represents the dependent variable in the function and determines the valid outputs for the function.

To understand the difference between domain and range, imagine you have a function that calculates the area of a square, and you want to define its domain and range.

The domain of this function would be all possible side lengths that can be given as input, such as positive real numbers or a specific range of side lengths, like from 0 to 10. The domain should exclude any negative values or non-numeric inputs since they wouldn't make sense in the context of calculating the area of a square.

The range of this function would be all possible areas of squares that can be produced as output. This could include zero (when the side length is 0) and could extend to positive real numbers, depending on the restrictions on the domain.

A real-life situation that could be modeled by a function is tracking the growth of a child's height over time. Let's say we have a function that takes the age of a child as input and outputs their corresponding height. In this case:

- The domain would be the age of the child, typically from 0 (birth) to a maximum age (e.g., 18).
- The range would be the corresponding height values, such as in centimeters or inches.

The function would provide a mathematical relationship that connects the age of the child to their height, allowing us to model and predict their growth pattern.

In summary, the domain and range are important elements when working with functions, representing the valid inputs and outputs, respectively. By understanding these concepts, we can define and analyze functions more accurately and effectively.