What would be a good place to go and visit in this world that contains lots of information about our past?

Greece would be the best place. It is where western civilization really began.

Rome, Italy

Pompeii, Italy
Athens, Greece
Several places in Egypt

Thanks, not regarding my homework may I ask what place in this world you would like to go visit and why? I would really like to go and visit France because of its big stores/malls and I would really like to go to England.

My favorite place is Paris, France. I've been there several times and have gone up in the Eiffel Tower, worshipped at Sacre Coeur, appreciated Notre Dame Cathedral, and visited Versailles, among many other places. I'd like to go back again and explore the neighborhood around "my" hotel in the sixth arrondissement and the adjoining Jardin du Luxembourg.

I've also been to England several times and love it too.

You're so lucky. My dream is to go to France. I seriously have not been out of Canada yet. I really want to go out there:-)

Have patience, Sara. I didn't visit a foreign country other than Canada until I was in my 40s.

However, when they were in high school, two of my granddaughters spent a month in France living with a family. One of them, Katy, took French from grades 8 through 12 and minored in it in college. She was fortunate enough to get a job with Disneyland Paris. She's been there over a year and will probably come home in June. She's loved it.

A good place to visit that contains lots of information about our past is a museum. Museums are dedicated to preserving and displaying objects and artifacts that provide insights into our history, culture, and heritage. They offer a wide range of exhibits and displays, showcasing everything from ancient civilizations and historical events to scientific discoveries and artistic achievements.

To find a museum that suits your interests and provides a wealth of information about our past, here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Determine your specific areas of interest: Decide which aspects of the past you are most curious about. Are you interested in ancient history, art history, natural history, scientific discoveries, or specific historical events?

2. Research: Use search engines, travel guides, and museum directories to find museums that specialize in the area of your interest. There are also websites dedicated to providing information about various museums around the world.

3. Read reviews and recommendations: Look for reviews and recommendations from other visitors who have been to the museums you are considering. This can give you a sense of the quality and depth of information provided by the museum.

4. Check exhibitions and collections: Visit the museum's website to explore the exhibitions and collections they offer. Look for exhibits that cover the specific topics you are interested in. Many museums also have permanent collections that provide a broader historical overview.

5. Plan your visit: Once you have selected a museum, plan your visit by considering factors such as location, opening hours, ticket prices, and any special events or guided tours they may offer. It's a good idea to check if the museum has any online resources or virtual exhibits that you can explore beforehand.

Remember, museums offer unique opportunities to learn and appreciate our past in an engaging and interactive manner. So go ahead and immerse yourself in the wealth of information they provide!