in A Nation Apart • What makes the arguments viable and compelling?

Are you talking about the TIME magazine article?

The amount of cheating is horrible. Wonder if Axia and University of phoenix knows.

To determine what makes the arguments in "A Nation Apart" viable and compelling, you would need to read or analyze the text itself. However, I can provide you with some general insights on what could make arguments viable and compelling in a piece of writing:

1. Strong evidence: Arguments become viable and compelling when they are supported by strong evidence. This evidence can come from various sources such as expert opinions, research studies, statistics, historical data, or personal anecdotes.

To evaluate the viability and strength of the evidence, you should look for reliable sources, assess their credibility, and consider if they are relevant to the topic at hand.

2. Logical reasoning: A well-crafted argument would present logical reasoning, where the premises logically lead to the conclusion. The author should avoid logical fallacies and ensure that their argument is logically sound.

To identify the logical reasoning in an argument, you can analyze if the premises provided are supported, if there are any inconsistencies or contradictions, and if the conclusion follows logically from the premises.

3. Persuasive language and rhetoric: Arguing effectively often involves using persuasive language and rhetoric techniques to engage the audience and create an emotional connection. This can include the use of rhetorical questions, powerful metaphors, vivid imagery, and empathetic appeals.

To recognize persuasive language, look for emotional or impactful language, repetition of key phrases or arguments, and appeals to the audience's values or beliefs.

4. Addressing counterarguments: Strong arguments often address and refute potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints. By acknowledging and responding to opposing perspectives, the author demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and adds credibility to their own position.

To identify how counterarguments are addressed, pay attention to whether the author acknowledges opposing viewpoints, provides counter-evidence or refutations, or offers a balanced analysis of different perspectives.

By analyzing the arguments in "A Nation Apart" based on these criteria, you can determine what makes them viable and compelling.