
Answer Chocies...
transience acquisition chauvinism infinity

Despair and hope are antonyms.

Look up the meanings of permanence (note spelling) and your answer choices. Once you understand them, the answer will be clear.



Despair and hope are opposite emotions. Similarly, permanence and acquisition are antonyms. Permanence means something that lasts for a long time or is permanent, while acquisition means something that is obtained through one's efforts or by inheriting.

To determine the missing term in the analogy, we need to understand the relationship between the given words: despair and hope. Despair is the opposite or antonym of hope, as despair represents a feeling of sadness, discouragement, or hopelessness, while hope represents a feeling of optimism, positive expectation, or confidence.

Now, let's analyze the answer choices:

1. Transience: Transience refers to the state of being temporary, brief, or short-lived. It does not have the same relationship as despair:hope, as transience does not represent an opposite or antonym of permanence.

2. Acquisition: Acquisition refers to gaining or obtaining something. It does not have a clear relationship with permanence and does not represent an opposite or antonym of it.

3. Chauvinism: Chauvinism refers to excessive or prejudiced patriotism or loyalty to one's own group, gender, or country. It is unrelated to the concept of permanence and does not represent an opposite or antonym of it.

4. Infinity: Infinity is the concept of limitless or endlessness. It is the most appropriate answer choice as it represents the opposite or antonym of permanence. Permanence refers to the state of being permanent or everlasting, while infinity refers to something that has no limit or end.

Therefore, the correct answer is "infinity" as it parallels the relationship between despair and hope.