Would you use a benchmark of 1,000 to estimate the number of shoes in your classroom? Explain.

Thank you Ms. Sue for your explanation. It was very helpful. Do you know what benchmark means in this problem I don't understand.Thank You

A benchmark is the mark by which all other numbers are judged.

Your teacher is asking you if 1000 sounds like a realistic number of shoes in your classroom. It helps you to understand benchmarks because they may tell you whether you've done your math correctly.

no because there are only 18 kids in the classroom

no, because there are only 18 kids in the classroom

Certainly! In this context, the term "benchmark" refers to a known quantity or point of reference that can be used to estimate or compare other quantities. It is commonly used in math or statistics to simplify calculations or make approximate estimations.

Now, let's address the question of using a benchmark of 1,000 to estimate the number of shoes in your classroom.

To use a benchmark effectively, it should be something closely related to what you are trying to estimate. In this case, if you are trying to estimate the number of shoes in your classroom, using a benchmark of 1,000 might not be the most appropriate choice.

Instead, you could try using a different benchmark that is more relevant. For example, if you know the total number of students in the classroom and you have observed that most students have an average of 2 pairs of shoes, you could use a benchmark of 2 per student to estimate the total number of shoes.

In summary, while a benchmark can be a useful tool for estimating quantities, it's important to choose a benchmark that is closely related to the problem at hand in order to obtain a more accurate estimate.