what is the complete subject and simple subject of this sentence.

Mrs. Marcus told our class about Valentine's Day.

The complete subject and the simple subject are the same -- "Mrs. Marcus".

Mrs. Marcus for both I believe.

i don't get this

To identify the complete subject and simple subject of the sentence "Mrs. Marcus told our class about Valentine's Day," we need to break down the sentence.

The subject of a sentence is the noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that performs the action or is being described. In this sentence, the subject is "Mrs. Marcus."

The complete subject includes all the words that describe or modify the subject. In this case, the complete subject is "Mrs. Marcus."

The simple subject, on the other hand, is the main noun or pronoun within the complete subject. In this sentence, the simple subject is still "Mrs. Marcus."

To determine the complete subject and simple subject of a sentence, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the subject, which is the noun, pronoun, or noun phrase performing the action or being described. In this case, the subject is "Mrs. Marcus."

Step 2: Determine all the words that describe or modify the subject. In this sentence, no additional words modify "Mrs. Marcus," so the complete subject is simply "Mrs. Marcus."

Step 3: The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun within the complete subject. In this case, the simple subject is still "Mrs. Marcus."

So, the complete subject and simple subject of the sentence "Mrs. Marcus told our class about Valentine's Day" are both "Mrs. Marcus."