What is the "mountain of action" in a fantasy book?

In a fantasy book, the term "mountain of action" does not necessarily refer to a specific element or concept. It is possible that "mountain of action" is a phrase coined by the author to represent an important event, a thrilling climax, or a significant turning point in the story. However, without more context, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.

To understand the exact meaning of the "mountain of action" in a specific fantasy book, you would need to read the book or gather information about it. Here are a few steps you can take to discover the significance of this phrase:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the entire fantasy book. By doing so, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the story, its characters, and the plot arc. Pay attention to any mentions or discussions relating to the "mountain of action."

2. Contextual clues: As you read, look for contextual clues that can shed light on the meaning of the "mountain of action." Pay attention to character dialogue, descriptions, and any other information that might imply what this term represents.

3. Analyze the plot: Examine the overall plot structure to identify major events or turning points. Consider whether any of these events align with the concept of the "mountain of action." Look for scenes that are particularly intense, exciting, or pivotal, as these might be the moments the author is referring to.

4. Seek author interviews or analysis: If reading the book does not provide sufficient clarity, you can explore author interviews, book discussions, or analysis from reputable sources. Authors often share insights and explanations about their works that can provide a deeper understanding of key moments in the story.

By following these steps, you should be able to gain a better understanding of what the "mountain of action" refers to in the specific fantasy book you are interested in.