How do you find csc 163degrees 20minutes? (I didn't know how to insert the degree and minute marks)

163 degrees 20 minutes is the same as the csc of its supplementary angle, which is 16 degrees 40 minutes. The sine of that angle is 0.2868

(I used a pocket calculator for that)
The cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine, which is
1/0.2868 = 3.4867

To find the csc (cosec) of an angle given in degrees and minutes, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the angle measure to decimal degrees: To convert degrees and minutes to decimal degrees, divide the number of minutes by 60, and add the result to the number of degrees.

For the given angle: 163 degrees 20 minutes
Conversion: 163 + (20/60) = 163.3333 degrees

2. Find the sine of the angle: In order to find the cosecant (csc) of an angle, we need to first find the sine of that angle.

Using a scientific calculator: sin(163.3333) ≈ -0.99979

3. Find the cosecant of the angle: The cosecant (csc) of an angle is the reciprocal of the sine of that angle, so to find csc(163 degrees 20 minutes), you need to take the reciprocal of the sine.

Therefore, csc(163 degrees 20 minutes) ≈ 1/-0.99979 ≈ -1.0002

Hence, the csc(163 degrees 20 minutes) is approximately -1.0002.

To find the cosecant (csc) of an angle in degrees and minutes, you'll need to convert the angle to decimal form. Here's how you can do it:

1. First, convert the angle in minutes to decimal form by dividing the number of minutes (20) by 60:
20 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

2. Add the decimal form of the minutes (0.33) to the angle in degrees (163):
163 + 0.33 = 163.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now that you have the angle in decimal form (163.33 degrees), you can find the cosecant using a calculator or mathematical software.

To calculate the cosecant of an angle, follow these steps:

1. Ensure your calculator is in degree mode. Most calculators have a mode setting that allows you to switch between degree, radian, and other angular measurements.

2. Enter the angle in decimal form (163.33 degrees) into your calculator.

3. Press the "csc" or "cosec" button on your calculator to compute the cosecant value.

The result will be the value of the cosecant of the given angle, in this case, csc(163 degrees 20 minutes).