Share $100 between Joseph and Peter so that Joseph has 3 times as much as Peter.

Let x = the amount of money that Peter has. Now try to set up the equation to solve for x.

sorry i don't understand

You want to solve for the amount of money that Peter has. So you let your variable equal that amount of money.

Now, you know that Peter's money + Joseph's money = $100.

Can you express the amount of money Joseph has in terms of x, the amount of money Peter has?

so altogether the have $100. Joseph has 3 time more then Peter. would joseph have $75 and Peter have $15 ?

I believe you mean that Peter has $25, which would be correct.

Could you write the equation you used to solve that?

ohyes sorry i meant that.

3/4 of 100 is 75
so the rest is 25

Again, where is your variable (x) in the equation?

You should have an equation that looks like the following:

"Peter's money + Joseph's money = $100"
x + J(x) = $100

where J(x) is a (simple) function expressing Joseph's money in terms of x.

The reason I ask is not to make it hard now, but because you will encounter problems that cannot be solved mentally - multiple variable problems, for example. You will need to be able to set up an equation from the word problem.

Oh. ook ... thank you for your help

alex spent 3/7 of his money. he give 1/4 of the reminder to his sister. he had $120

left. how much money did he have in the begining

To divide $100 between Joseph and Peter so that Joseph has three times as much as Peter, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Assign a variable to one of the person's share. Let's say Peter's share is represented by the variable 'x'.

Step 2: Since Joseph has three times as much as Peter, his share will be three times Peter's share, which is 3x.

Step 3: Set up an equation to represent the total amount divided between the two individuals: x + 3x = $100.

Step 4: Simplify the equation: 4x = $100.

Step 5: Solve the equation for x:
- Divide both sides by 4: x = $100 / 4 = $25.

Step 6: Calculate Joseph's share: 3x = 3 * $25 = $75.

Therefore, Peter's share should be $25, and Joseph's share should be $75 to ensure that Joseph has three times as much as Peter.