Is 3x^2=5 a linear, quadratic or exponential function? and how

The greatest power of x is the x^2 term, therefore it is quadratic. A cubic would have an x^3 term as its greatest. A linear function only has an x^1 term. The exponential function has an a^x term, where a is a constant.

i have to chang each percentto a deciml then change each decimal to a fraction in lowest terms

22 2/9

The equation 3x^2 = 5 represents a quadratic function. To determine the type of function, it's important to look at the highest power of x in the equation.

In this case, the highest power of x is 2, which indicates a quadratic function. A quadratic function is a polynomial function of degree 2, where the variable is squared (in this case, x^2). The general form of a quadratic function is ax^2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are constants.

In the given equation, 3x^2 = 5, we only have the term with x^2, so it is a quadratic function. It represents a parabolic shape when graphed.

To determine whether a function is linear, quadratic, or exponential, always check the highest power of the variable in the equation.