Does anyone know a website that tells you other forms of a word?

Ex. run - ran, running

Yes, there are several websites that can help you find other forms of a word, such as irregular verb conjugations, plural forms, or comparative and superlative adjectives. One popular website for this purpose is

To find other forms of a word on, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to
2. In the search bar located at the top of the page, type the word you want to find other forms for. For example, let's use the word "run."
3. As you type, WordReference will suggest words based on what you've entered. Click on the word you want to explore further (in this case, "run").
4. Once you reach the word's main page, you will see different tabs such as "Conjugations," "Synonyms," "Idioms," and more. Click on the "Conjugations" tab to find the different forms of the word.
5. Within the "Conjugations" section, you'll usually find a table that displays different tenses, moods, and forms of the word. In the case of "run," you can find forms like "ran," "running," and "runs."

By using WordReference or similar websites, you can quickly find other forms of words and expand your vocabulary or improve your language skills.