is the word "traversed" an adjective or a verb?

It's usually a verb. But a word's part of speech depends upon how it's used in the sentence.

Verbs show action or state of being. Adjectives describe or modify nouns.

Ms. Sue is right. Almost all the time, it'll be a verb ... with its own subject. If it's used as an adjective, though, it's known as a participle.


To determine whether the word "traversed" is an adjective or a verb, we can consult a dictionary. One popular online dictionary is Merriam-Webster.

1. Open your web browser and go to the Merriam-Webster website (

2. In the search bar, type "traversed" and press Enter or click on the search icon.

3. The search results will display the word "traverse," which is the base form of "traversed." Click on it to see the complete definition.

4. On the word's page, you will find different definitions and examples. Pay attention to how the word is used in sentences and the contexts mentioned.

According to Merriam-Webster, "traverse" is primarily a verb. It means to go or travel across or over. When a verb like "traverse" is in its past tense form, such as "traversed," it is still a verb.

In summary, "traversed" is a verb, not an adjective. The process of verifying word types using a trusted dictionary is reliable and can help clear up any confusion.