A. What is the mass of Solution 3? in g

B. What is the density of Solution 2? g/ml

solution 1:
Mass Empty Flask (g):42.252
Mass NaCl (g):0.911
Volume Water (mL):100
Mass of Flask + Solution (g):43.107

solution 2:
MEF: 45.778
mass nacl:0.897
volume water: 100
mass of Flask+sol:47.506

solution 3:
Mass empty flask:40.036
mass nacl:0.922
volume water: 200
mass of flask and sol: 40.663

Mass of empty flask = ??

Mass of flask and sol = ??
Subtract to obtain mass sol.

density = mass/volume

To find the mass of Solution 3 in grams, you need to subtract the mass of the empty flask from the mass of the flask with the solution. Here's the calculation:

Mass of Solution 3 = Mass of Flask and Solution - Mass of Empty Flask

Mass of Solution 3 = 40.663 g - 40.036 g

Mass of Solution 3 = 0.627 g

Therefore, the mass of Solution 3 is 0.627 g.

To find the density of Solution 2 in grams per milliliter (g/ml), you need to divide the mass of the solution by its volume. Here's the calculation:

Density of Solution 2 = Mass of Solution 2 / Volume of Solution 2

Density of Solution 2 = 47.506 g / 100 ml

Density of Solution 2 = 0.475 g/ml

Therefore, the density of Solution 2 is 0.475 g/ml.