1.) Lim [√(x + 1) - (2)] / (x - 3)

x -> 3

2.) Lim [ (1/ x + 4) - (1 / 4)] / (x)
x -> 0

Take the ratio of the derivatives of numerator and denominator, and evaluate it at the x value in question.

For both problems, the derivative of the denominator is just 1, so you just have to evaluate the derivative of the numerator.

In the first problem,
Lim [�ã(x + 1)-(2)]/(x-3)
x -> 3

= (1/2�ã(x + 1)
= 1/4 at x =3

For the second problem
Lim [(1/(x+4)-(1/4)]/ x
x -> 0
= -1(x+4)^2 at x=0
= -1/16

To find the limit of a function as x approaches a certain value, you can either directly substitute the value (if it doesn't result in an indeterminate form) or use limit laws to simplify the expression.

1.) Lim [√(x + 1) - 2] / (x - 3)
x -> 3

In this case, directly substituting x = 3 would result in a 0/0 indeterminate form, so we need to simplify the expression using limit laws.

Step 1: Rationalize the numerator
Multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the numerator, which is √(x + 1) + 2, to eliminate the square root.

Lim [√(x + 1) - 2] * [√(x + 1) + 2] / (x - 3) * [√(x + 1) + 2]
x -> 3

Step 2: Simplify the expression
You can now simplify the denominator by using the difference of squares, (a^2 - b^2) = (a - b)(a + b).

Lim [(x + 1) - 2^2] / [(x - 3) * (√(x + 1) + 2)]
x -> 3

Lim (x - 3) / [(x - 3) * (√(x + 1) + 2)]
x -> 3

Step 3: Cancel out common factors
Cancel out the common factor (x - 3) in the numerator and denominator.

Lim 1 / (√(x + 1) + 2)
x -> 3

Step 4: Substitute the limit value for x
Now that the expression is in a simplified form, you can substitute x = 3 directly into the expression.

Lim 1 / (√(3 + 1) + 2)
x -> 3

Lim 1 / (√4 + 2)
x -> 3

Lim 1 / (2 + 2)
x -> 3

Lim 1 / 4
x -> 3

The limit of the given function as x approaches 3 is 1/4.

2.) Lim [(1 / (x + 4)) - (1 / 4)] / x
x -> 0

In this case, directly substituting x = 0 in the expression would result in an indeterminate form of (1/0) - (1/4), which is undefined. Therefore, we need to simplify the expression.

Step 1: Combine the fractions
Combine the two fractions by finding the least common denominator (LCD), which in this case is 4(x + 4), then perform the subtraction.

Lim [(4 - (x + 4)) / (4(x + 4))] / x
x -> 0

Lim [(4 - x - 4) / (4(x + 4))] / x
x -> 0

Simplify the numerator:

Lim (-x / (4(x + 4))) / x
x -> 0

Step 2: Simplify the expression further
Now you can simplify the expression by canceling out common factors.

Lim (-1 / (4(x + 4)))
x -> 0

Step 3: Substitute the limit value for x
Now that the expression is in a simplified form, you can substitute x = 0 directly into the expression.

Lim (-1 / (4(0 + 4)))
x -> 0

Lim (-1 / 16)
x -> 0

The limit of the given function as x approaches 0 is -1/16.