
1. sin^-1(-1/2)
2. cos^-1[(-root 3)/2]
3. arctan[(root3)/3]
4. cos(arccos2/3)
5. arcsin(sin 2pi)
6. sin(arccos 1)

I got these values as my answers:
1. -pi/6
2. 5pi/6
3. pi/6
4. 2/3
5. 2pi
6. 0

Can someone please tell me if they are right? thank you

The answers for inverse trigonometric depends on the range. Most of the time,

function range
asin(x) -π/2 to π/2
acos(x) 0 π
atan(x) -&pi/2 to π/2

Based on the above ranges, here are your answers:

1. -pi/6 correct
2. 5pi/6 correct
3. pi/6 correct
4. 2/3 correct
5. (2pi) 0
6. 0 correct

Thank you MathMate.

You're very welcome!

To evaluate the given trigonometric expressions, let's go through each one:

1. sin^-1(-1/2):
To find the value of sin^-1(-1/2), we need to find the angle whose sine is -1/2. This means we are looking for an angle in which sin(x) = -1/2.

The angle that satisfies this condition is -π/6 or -30 degrees. So your answer, -π/6, is correct.

2. cos^-1[(-√3)/2]:
To find the value of cos^-1[(-√3)/2], we need to find the angle whose cosine is (-√3)/2. This means we are looking for an angle in which cos(x) = (-√3)/2.

The angle that satisfies this condition is 5π/6 or 150 degrees. So your answer, 5π/6, is correct.

3. arctan[(√3)/3]:
To find the value of arctan[(√3)/3], we need to find the angle whose tangent is (√3)/3. This means we are looking for an angle in which tan(x) = (√3)/3.

The angle that satisfies this condition is π/6 or 30 degrees. So your answer, π/6, is correct.

4. cos(arccos(2/3)):
To evaluate cos(arccos(2/3)), we can simplify it. The arccosine of 2/3 gives us an angle whose cosine is 2/3. So the expression simplifies to cos(arccos(2/3)) = 2/3.

Therefore, your answer of 2/3 is correct.

5. arcsin(sin(2π)):
To evaluate arcsin(sin(2π)), we need to simplify it. Since sin(2π) = 0, we are looking for the angle whose sine is 0.

The angle that satisfies this condition is 0. So your answer, 2π, is correct.

6. sin(arccos(1)):
To evaluate sin(arccos(1)), we can simplify it. The arccosine of 1 gives us an angle whose cosine is 1. The cosine of any angle is always between -1 and 1, so the angle that satisfies cos(x) = 1 is 0.

Therefore, sin(arccos(1)) = sin(0) = 0. So your answer, 0, is correct.

Overall, your answers are correct for all the given trigonometric expressions. Well done!